Legal Terms

Art. 10 SFDR - Sustainability-related disclosures  

DI Technology Fund I GmbH & Co. KG  

I. Summary

The Capmont Technology GmbH, being the Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") of the alternative investment fund “DI Technology Fund I GmbH & Co. KG" ("Financial Product"), seeks to promote energy efficiency while investing in unlisted and growth-oriented companies from the industrial technologies sector in their early stages ("Investee Companies"). In addition, the Financial Product seeks to improve the well-being of the employees of the Investee Companies as well as promote diversity and equal opportunity within the Investee Companies. However, the Financial Product does not have as it objective a sustainable investment.  


Die Capmont Technology GmbH als Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") des Alternativen Investmentfonds "DI Technology Fund I GmbH & Co. KG" ("Financial Product"), verfolgt bei der Investition in nicht börsennotierte und wachstumsorientierte Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der industriellen Technologien in der Frühphase (die Beteiligungsunternehmen - "Investee Companies") das Ziel, die Energieeffizienz zu fördern. Darüber hinaus zielt das Finanzprodukt darauf ab, das Wohlergehen der Mitarbeiter der Beteiligungsunternehmen zu verbessern sowie Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit innerhalb der Beteiligungsunternehmen zu fördern. Das Finanzprodukt verfolgt jedoch nicht das Ziel einer nachhaltigen Investition.

II. No sustainable investment objective

This Financial Product seeks to promote environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment.

III. Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product

The Financial Product actively seeks to promote energy efficiency (“environmental characteristics”) within the Investee Companies and therefore indirectly support reducing CO2 emissions. In addition, the Financial Product seeks to improve the well-being of the employees of the Investee Companies as well as promote diversity and equal opportunity within the Investee Companies (“social characteristics”). Due to the structure and the strategy of the Financial Product its portfolio assets cannot be finally determined prior to the conclusion of the investment phase (“Blind Pool”). Given this, the Financial Product will choose at least one adequate sustainability indicator as set out below to measure the attainment of each of the environmental and social characteristics it promotes.

Environmental characteristics
Promote energy efficiency within the Investee Companies

Sustainability Indicators
Reduced or avoided energy usage by the Investee Company. Measured in electricity used per Investee Company.  

Social characteristics  
Promote diversity & equal opportunity within the Investee Companies.
Improve worker well-being of the Investee Companies.
Male/female ratio on the level of professionals.  
Number of work accidents per year.  

IV. Investment strategy

The investment strategy guides investment decisions based on factors such as investment objectives and risk tolerance. The Financial Product intends to promote environmental and social characteristics and has adjusted its investment strategy accordingly.  

Alongside the above-mentioned sustainability indicators, an ESG scoring of the Investee Companies along relevant parameters as outlined in p. 19 seq. of the Private Placement Memorandum of the Financial Product is carried out as part of the investment process.  

In order to attain each of the environmental and social characteristics set out above the Financial Product carefully selects its investment opportunities during the pre-investment and investments phase. The Financial Product will only invest in an Investee Company if it is confident that the Investee Company is able to attain the promoted environmental and social characteristics. Also, during the holding phase the Financial Product will collect the required information to assess its alignment with the promotion of the environmental and social characteristics mentioned above.

V. Proportion of investments  

The Financial Product targets that its investment will be aligned with environmental and social characteristics. There will be no investments in sustainable investments within the meaning of Article 2(1) no. 17 SFDR, i.e. the share of sustainable investments will be 0 %. Since the Financial Product’s asset portfolio consists as a blind pool, it reserves the discretion to make sustainable investments and investments that do not promote the environmental and social characteristics of the Financial Product in accordance with its investment strategy as provided in the respective Private Placement Memorandum and accompanying marketing documents.

VI. Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics

The development of the social and environmental characteristics of the Investee Companies will be monitored and, if relevant, will be discussed in the shareholder meetings. During the entire investment process consisting of

- the pre-investment phase (sourcing and screening),
- the investment phase (due diligence),
- the holding phase (portfolio management, monitoring, reporting) and
- the exit phase (performance evaluation, disclosure)

information will be collected and the alignment with the promotion of the social characteristics and environmental characteristics will be assessed.

VII. Methodologies for environmental or social characteristics

The AIFM will measure the attainment of the environmental and social characteristics with data it gathers from its Investee Companies on a quarterly basis.

VIII. Data sources and processing

The data sourced will be the Investee Companies. The Financial Product will not use any external data providers. Depending on the quantity and quality of the data, the Financial Product may have to extrapolate and estimate data. As the Investee Companies are not determined yet, it cannot be foreseen how much of the data has to be estimated.

IX. Limitations to methodologies and data

Because the AIFM does not use external data providers and solely the Investee Companies as data source, the data must be critically analyzed and verified.

X. Due diligence

The assessment of how the potential investment in the Investee Companies relates to the promoted social characteristics and environmental characteristics is carried out as part of the due diligence process prior to the investment. Further reviews may be conducted beyond such due diligence process and regular monitoring if, and to the extent, the AIFM deems it appropriate to conduct an ad hoc review in a specific case.

XI. Engagement policies

The assessment of good governance practices of the Investee Companies is partially incorporated in the legal due diligence as far as good governance practices have been adopted by law.  


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Mike Tschirschwitz
Capmont Technology GmbH
Prinzregentenstr. 56
80538 Munich

T: +49 89 954296150