Privacy Policy

Our business is built upon trust. We at Capmont Technology GmbH (“Capmont Technology”) consider our client’s trust in the protection of corporate and personal data (data privacy) to be of great value. Furthermore, Capmont Technology abides to all applicable data protection acts and endeavours to continuously improve data protection.

1 Operation of the website

Capmont Technology processes your personal data to present the information that is available on this website and to provide the services offered on this website.

Unless it is explicitly stated otherwise in the following sections the legal basis for this processing of data is Article 6(1)f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), i.e. a balancing of interests – based on Capmont Technology’s legitimate interest to provide this website and the services offered on it to internet users.

2 Processed data

2.1 Data you enter

For the purposes described above Capmont Technology particularly uses any data you may enter on this website (e.g. using a contact form, or when subscribing to an email newsletter). Capmont Technology processes these data you have entered to handle and to answer your request.

2.2 Automatically collected data

To present the right information to you on this website Capmont Technology also processes the following data:

The address of the web page on this website you visit
The address of the web page you visited immediately before (the “referrer”) Date and time of your visit
Properties of your device, particularly its operating system, the browser you use and your browser’s display window size
Your device’s IP address in the internet
Randomly assigned ID numbers, which Capmont Technology and third parties working for Capmont Technology store on your device. With these ID numbers Capmont Technology and the service providers working for Capmont Technology can recognize your device. This makes it possible to link your current website visit to your previous website visits. Technically these ID numbers are stored in so-called “cookies” on your device.

3 Website analytics

3.1 General

Capmont strives to present the most relevant information to the users of this website. Capmont Technology therefore uses tools to measure how this website is being used. With the help of these tools Capmont particularly collects the following kind of information:

On which links on other websites do users click to get to this website?
Which pages of this website are visited when, how often, and in which order?
Which information do the website users look for?
On which links or offers do the website users click?

Based on these kinds of information Capmont Technology creates statistics which help to answer the following questions:

Which pages of the website are particularly attractive for the users?
Which kinds of information are most interesting for the users?
Which offers should Capmont make to its users?

For these purposes Capmont Technology particularly uses the automatically collected data described in Section 2.2 above. The data are always stored pseudonymously (i.e. under a randomly assigned ID number).

The legal basis for this processing of data is Article 6(1)f) GDPR (balancing of interests, based on Capmont Technology’s legitimate interest to tailor the website to its users’ interests and needs).

3.2 Google Analytics

One of the tools used is Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google”).

Google Analytics uses the “cookies” mentioned above in section 2.2. Your browser transmits the information created with the help of these cookies on your use of this website to Google servers in the USA, where they are stored for up to 14 months. Currently there is no decision of the EU Commission that the USA generally provide an adequate level of protection for personal data. Google undertakes, however, to comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use and retention of personal information from European Union member countries. More information in this regard is available here:

More information on the handling of user data within Google Analytics is available in Google’s privacy notice at

You can prevent the collection and the transmission to Google of data regarding your website use (incl. your IP address) as well as Google’s processing of such data by downloading and installing the browser plugin available here:

4 External service providers

Capmont Technology uses various external services providers to operate this website (e.g. data center operators or newsletter service providers). To the extent it is necessary these service providers also process personal data. Capmont Technology diligently selects and supervises its service providers. They process the data only in accordance with Capmont Technology’s instructions and are also bound by this privacy statement.

5 Retention periods

Capmont Technology stores personal data only as long as it is necessary for the purposes described herein, or as long as it is necessary to comply with statutory retention periods. Unless it is stated otherwise herein the data you have entered pursuant to section 2.1 above will therefore not be retained for longer than the statutory retention period of six years which may apply pursuant to trade and tax laws. Unless it is stated otherwise herein the automatically collected data pursuant to section 2.2 will be deleted or anonymized after one week at the latest.

6 Your rights

Upon request Capmont Technology will inform you whether Capmont Technology stores any data about you, and if yes which. Under the statutory conditions you may have the right to demand that Capmont Technology rectifies, restricts processing of, or erases these data.

You also have the right to receive from Capmont Technology the personal data concerning you which you have provided to Capmont Technology, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You have the right to transmit (or have transmitted) those data to another controller.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority for data protection matters.

7 Data protection officer of Capmont Technology

For general questions or suggestions with regard to data protection please contact Capmont Technology’s data protection officer by postal mail to the Capmont Technology address stated above or via email to